Summary Notes from FOBC Steering Committee Meeting, October 12, 2011 at the FOBC Office, 4352 Pearl Rd.

Steering Committee: G.g Cznadel, J. Gazda, A. Penko, M. E. Stasek, D. McBean,
J. Lennartz,
Project Manager: B. Gardin
Advisory Committee: Lita Laven (NEORSD), Gayle Albers (Cleveland Metroparks Zoo)
Member: Roger Kalbrunner
Project Intern: John Stein

John Stein was introduced -- intern hired by FOBC for the Big Creek Watershed Stormwater Retrofit Ranking Project. John will work with Bob and the Tetra-Tech consultants.

Dave McBean elected as Treasurer.

Bylaws will change Steering Committee to “Board of Trustees”. Discussed membership organization vs. remaining as is.

Draft Statement of Expectations discussed:
#6. Attend FOBC special events -- whether this included assisting at tables.
#8. Develop funding support -- clarified intent to address areas of funding where the Board would be expected to assist.
#11. Refrain from discussing or sharing confidential board business with non-board members -- clarified intention to address areas such as personnel issues or property acquisitions.

FOBC has received a final accounting from the RAP.
FOBC will no longer be using the WCPC as our financial agent. A letter of notice sent to WCPC thanking the organization for their assistance.

FOBC was awarded NEORSD 2011 Watershed Grants Program Operating Support Grant ($35,000) for the year ending 9/30/12.

Project Manager's Report was discussed, particularly noting progress of Stormwater Retrofit Ranking Project -- site selection, ranking, inclusion, expansion.

Water quality testing program: Ms. Albers reported on a meeting on Sept. 6, 2011, attended by reps from FOBC, NEORSD, and Cleveland Metroparks. The purpose was to discuss development of a volunteer water quality monitoring program in the Big Creek Watershed. Discussed were: (1) monitoring goals (education and awareness and credible data), (2)
protocol development (physical, chemical, biological monitoring and when and where), (3) shared
resources (Tri-C west, Cleveland State University, Cleveland Metroparks, NEORSD and Rhodes High
School) and (4) equipment needs.
Inventory of available equipment is being compiled. Sample sites will need to be identified and are likely to parallel those already established by FOBC and Ohio EPA. A plan will be drafted in the future and additional expertise will be pursued.

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