Notes from Steering/Advisory Committee Site Survey - Cascade Crossing Area - August 24 & 26, 2005

(Notes may not represent the actual order of the sites visited during the walks on August 24th or August 26th.) Committee members met at Cascade Crossing at I-480 exit 13 and Tiedeman Road Wednesday, Aug. 24th and Friday, Aug. 26th. Led by Bob Gardin the following sites were explored: The I-480 entrance ramp, Big Creek as it flows past Hampton Inn, vacant property (Forest City), the Railroad Bridge over Big Creek and surrounding land, Big Creek next to Sam's Club, Brookpark Road and the end of the Big Creek Parkway; crossing Wal-Mart's parking lot, the other side of the Big Creek, the Railroad bridge, the access road to the railroad Bridge to Tiedeman Road, the vacant lot, the vacant lot on Tiedeman Road north of the I-480 exit ramp, under the I-480 exit ramp.

Trail route was considered in terms of recreational and commercial development. Noted: T.G.I. Friday's does take advantage of the creek with outside seating. We looked at the series of the falls responsible for the name "Cascade Crossing."

In attendance:

Wednesday- Bob Gardin, Gregory Cznadel, Mary Ellen Stasek, Tom Coyne, Sue Zurovchak, Jim Danek, Tom Pukelnick

Friday: Bob Gardin, Gregory Cznadel, Regis Barrett, Jim Gazda, Dennis Petro, Jeff Lennartz, Charles C. Hambly, Todd A. Houser, Patti Hjort

Big Creek by the Hampton Inn. Too narrow to have walkway on Hampton side of Big Creek. Walkway would probably continue on the Tiedeman side of the river through to the opposite side of I-480.

CSX Railroad bridge. Tom Coyne mentioned the number of trains that pass daily over the bridge. 1860 engraved date. Consider available room under bridge. Depends on height of water during rain. Strength of bridge is no problem. Two options for support under bridge: 1) Would have to use either pylons and have board walk similar to Rockside Road underpass or 2) supports on either side of bridge extending out. Cantilevered. Similar to rail tracks on bridge over Big Creek under Pearl Road Bridge by car junk yard.

West side of Big Creek from the railroad bridge to Wal-Mart/Sam's Club Bridge. Looked at I-beams supporting wooden wall behind Sam's Club. Measured distance of walkable area from side of Sam's Club to the creek bank. Wal-Mart side has more room. Walkway would have to cross Big Creek in front of bridge or immediately after it.

Sam Club's Parking lot to Brookpark Road (Rt. 17), the north end of Big Creek Parkway and the circular end to the Big Creek Park Walkway. The best way to connect the Big Creek Parkway path to the other side of Brookpark Road is to cross the Brookpark road bridge (or have a separate pedestrian bridge) to the street light. Then follow the walkway the entire length of Wal-Mart's parking lot to the railroad bridge. Examined three foot diameter drainage pipe entering Big Creek.

Observed overnight trailer parking area in Wal-Mart lot. The Wal-Mart/Sam's Club bridge raises logistics questions.

Questioned raised embankment in rear of Wal-Mart -- whether it served as protection from flooding or was simply excavation dirt.

From the bridge along Big Creek to the Railroad tracks. Two sets of tracks above bridge. Looks like 100 feet from one side of tracks to other. A suggestion of a tunnel beneath the tracks was made should a walkway be unable to be engineered under the railroad bridge.

Crossing the tracks, following the access road to Tiedeman and the undeveloped land for sale by Forest City from here to Cascade Crossing. Noted invasive species of plants in this area.

Under the entrance ramp to I-480 there was nothing that seemed to pose a significant problem. Both entrance and exit ramps pose no problems as far as a walkway. It was suggested that gates could be put on either side of I-480 similar to the low lying sections of the Rocky River Parkway.

Underneath I-480 were two walls supporting the bridge. The river ran in between the two supporting structures. Between the upright walls and the supporting outer walls a layer of bedrock went from ground level to 5 feet from the top of the underside of the bridge. This was at a 45 degree angle. The supports that consisted of solid concrete walls beneath I-480 were examined. Bob Gardin measured the height above the river level during floods. It was 11 feet. He was present during a recent storm to know the approximate height of the river during a storm. Fish were found in the stream. The best path appeared to be on the Tiedeman side of Big Creek.

From the vacant lot to Big Creek is a significant amount of fill. Walkway from Creek to Tiedeman could be either on State property (I-480) or the private owner's side.

Invitation was given to the general manager of T.G.I. Friday's. She was excited about the possibility of a Big Creek walkway through Cascade Crossings. Information is to be sent from representatives of the RAP and Cuyahoga Soil Conservation District. It was agreed to seek a personal meeting with the manager/s of Wal-Mart.

Sincerely Submitted,
Gregory Cznadel

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Google map of area

T.G.I. Friday's Cascade Crossing

Hampton Inn Cleveland Airport - Tiedeman Road

Wal-Mart Store 2073

Sam's Club